I give away a flute once a month. Enter the flute give-away now!

Dennis Hawk is a musician, master flute maker and Kirtan Leader. 

As a musician, Dennis specializes in music for wellness including yoga, meditation and Kirtan (call/response music). 

He is a master flute maker having created and sold over 1,100 Native American style flutes.  Dennis was taught by Menominee flute maker, Louis Webster, and has been perfecting his craft for over 20 years. 

Kirtan leader: Dennis has been leading Kirtan, call/response music which originated in India for the past 12 years.  He is a student of David Newman aka Durga Das and was coached by Ragani.  Formerly Dennis was with Thunderhawk Tribe and currently is leading Kirtan Kollective in Wisconsin.

Spiritual Seeker:


I was raised in Kansas where the thunder crashes and the winds blow.  As a small child I would ask, “Where does the wind come from?”

Yes, from little on, just like my curiosity about the wind,  I have been curious about Spiritual things, always wondering about that which lies beyond what we experience with our senses.  It is that curiosity that has led me on a life-long spiritual journey to find answers to metaphysical questions.  

  • It is that curiosity that led me to seek a degree in Christian theology from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and spend a 20 year career in inner-city ministry.
  • It is that curiosity that led me to re-tool in mid-life in psychology to counsel addicted clients who had been abused for another 20 year period in my life
  • It is that curiosity that led me to the sacred fires of Native American elders and lead sweat lodges and other ceremonies with my Mohican wife, Cyndi.
  • It is that curiosity that led me to study Bhakti yoga and Vedic chant with Jai Uttal, Krishna Das and the late David Newman and become a Kirtan chant leader.

Each of these adventures have deepened my spiritual understanding and at the same time wetted my appetite to uncover deeper and even more profound spiritual truths.  It is not as if this journey has led me from error to truth, but from truth to truth.  Each spiritual venture has led to a deeper understanding of the ones that went before.