Mental Health Professional vs. coach


After25 years as a mental health professional, I think it is important to spell out the difference between what I did then as a mental health professional and what I do now as a coach.

Coaches know their limitations and are NOT mental health professionals:  We do NOT Diagnose.  We do NOT treat issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any other mental illness. 

Coaching is NOT for you if… 

You are suicidal or homicidal 
You are a chronic relapser in your addiction (s) 
You are suffering from major PTSD symptoms 
You are dealing with major depression, anxiety or any other mental illness 

Find a therapist - NOW - Psychology Today List 

Coaching begins with the strengths a person carries with them and is rooted in the belief that there is NOTHING wrong with the person, only problems to be solved that stand in the way of achieving goals. 

Coaching IS for you if… 

You feel STUCK, not accomplishing your goals and dreams. 

A Life coach helps you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back and works with you to create strategies for overcoming each obstacle. 

By creating these strategies, the life coach helps you identify your core beliefs, formulate your values and target your unique skills and gifts. 

By helping you focus on your strengths and your vision, your coach will help you move more quickly toward your goals.